Poems from mrugg1567
I pour my heart and soul into my music and writing. I play piano and have, within the past 2 years, discovered and developed my amour with poetry. I'm a poet and didn't know it!
I welcome all feedback, so please tell me what your thoughts are on the poems I submit :)
I always wanted to be strong.
I always wanted to be beautiful.
I always wanted to be kind.
You are nothing.
I close my eyes and...
A little girl humming
The notes sweet but eerie
The melody numbing
The blue sky yet so dreary
A gentle breeze
A little girls giggle...
She has no idea how much I rely on her,
the only reason I am still together
is because of her loving patience.
She seems so happy
but i...
i breathe in, out
i let my fingers glide over the keys
and my heart feels again
at peace
i drift off into another world
another world...