Poems from madonacid

i've just started to write more seriously. so if anyone has any constructive criticism id greatly appreciate it.
I miss you. I miss the four of us staying the night at my house and talking because thats all we ever had to do to have fun. God why did i...
But isn’t that how it is? We watch the movies and we read the books thinking that if we became shy and mysterious, we would become the...
(For full effect, listen to 40 Part Motet- Spem in Alium by Thomas Tallis)
It was that moment, sitting on the false leather chair in the...
Words were spoken of hate,
Whispers of love.
And although we both loved
And hated,
Hate got to us.
We thought we’d be hurt by...
Remember when the only thing that scared us was the shadow in our room.
We would be scared to look under the bed. And the closet was our...