Poems from andy spaschak

I have been writing poetry for over forty years, Published in magazines, ezines, etc. I currently live in New Jersey as I recover from stage four throat cancer. I have not been able to speak for three years so my voice has become my poetry, photography, and guitar.
I shall be sparseas shallow as our oldbeaver pond aftera dry parched summer.
I will not let you inyour sole intention is tofeed your own...
midnight ping-pong ball
a gallant moon wakes the sky
unseen sun paints light
I step into silver slipstreamsof SEMI conductor dreams
broad halo days of golden innocence
buried in the hatchet holes of
this aging tree...
T'was once before the break of day when in the silence of a stored cachethere upon my memories ladder one ring above a thought came...
They honk incessantly, bellowed bathsof incorrigible bass, pond pricks,but, oh to watch them flylarge V's slide sweetly.
..I throw word...