Beyond The Blue
I step into silver slipstreams
of SEMI conductor dreams
broad halo days of golden innocence
buried in the hatchet holes of
this aging tree bark frame
my thoughts are limbs
that lead to falling leaves
returning to black soil
until the green of Spring
rejuvenates my slinky
mind to MORE
...i bounced off her, she bounced off me
We travel to far places
while sitting here together
quite alone
Her on my Natuzzi sofa
eating leftover pepperoni pizza
The red of dead, the white of light
distracts my mind towards something finer
a soft moan rises over the New York Times
which blinds me from her view
and binds me between the lines
a thought of something MORE
a silent scream that's born of thunder
the need to dance naked in the rain
When the greens fade to blues
the sea delivers me to soft shores
I sail away on waves of plenty
the beat of my day reminds me
of her pulse, once in time with mine
now slowed close to dead, the pit-pat
pity of dying love, once so grand
before being taken advantage of
my primal instincts fear the slide to loss
yet, my fear of nothing more....than this
is greater than my will
to convince her that love too requires work
I will whisk her to the winds
and sing to her sad songs
we'll do what old lovers do
as the sand-washed frames
of our deluge leads us into
something more, something finer,
something greener, new, and true
in the wake of love's demise