Poems from andy spaschak

I have been writing poetry for over forty years, Published in magazines, ezines, etc. I currently live in New Jersey as I recover from stage four throat cancer. I have not been able to speak for three years so my voice has become my poetry, photography, and guitar.
I have seen the splintered timbers of a forest losing pine, waiting ona fire to carbonate its time.
I know I am chemicals reacting to their...
Like some provincial rain that came crisp
from latent springs sprung too tight
stored energy fast relinquished
down a sliding sun into new...
In the piercing heatof the unfolding daywe set sails for Avalon.
Guided by winds wetested our fate, provingit was fragile in thedesperate...
Some came to satisfy their queer attractionto be close to something deadthat draws such loud attention
Gathered in black with white...
Her eyes are the color green you can't describe without a viewThey soul speak of December leaning towards August's blue.The girl, the...