Your Former Best Friend
You got a message from Former Best Friend.
You read former best friends message.
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Former Best Friend never truly was your friend.
Former Best Friend lied about taking your money.
Former Best Friend needs a ride to buy some weed.
Former Best Friend also needs weed money.
Former Best Friend laughs at your name.
Former Best Friend calls you “Corny Courtney.”
Former Best Friend gets others to join her.
Former Best Friend is SO annoying.
Former Best Friend kissed your boyfriend on the bus last week.
Former Best Friend sleeps with the guy you wouldn’t shut up about for months!
Former Best Friend ate all your food.
Former Best Friend drank all your beer.
Former Best Friend chases you down the hall with steak knives.
Former Best Friend can’t even apologize
Former Best Friend has a lot of excuses.
Former Best Friend only has excuses.
Former Best Friend was dating him?!
Former Best Friend’s (now former) Boyfriend called you a slut.
Former Best Friend agreed with
Former Best Friend got everyone in the school to agree as well.
Former Best Friend pants too tight.
Former Best Friend slut walk.
Former Best Friend high heels.
Former Best Friend trips and needs you to catch her.
Former Best Friend left you alone.
Former Best Friend made you cry.
Former Best Friend got you into drinking.
Former Best Friend said you aren’t cool unless you hit a bong.
Former Best Friend made you feel worthless.
Former Best Friend helped you cut yourself.
Former Best Friend held you back
Former Best Friend drove you insane.
Former Best Friend stole your fathers necklace.
Former Best Friend knew Dad has been dead for four years.
Former Best Friend fucked you?
Fuck you Former Best Friend!
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You block Former Best Friend on Facebook.
You smile,
You smirk.
You laugh.
Good-bye Former Best Friend.
I no-longer need you.