ex best friend
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I’ll look forward to the day we can laugh together again
And it will be just like it’s always been
You hurt me more than you’ll ever know
One of the hardest things I’ve ever done was to let you go
Dear ex-best friend, You made me feel such absurd pain,You made me feel as though I was going insane.The fights were so great they left us sour,Any person in our vicinity would seem to cower.The feelings that were very real are so far from gone,A
Sometimes people fall apart
or end friendships,
and that's okay
because life still goes on.
I forgive you for ending ours,
even if I don't believe it was fair;
I forgive you for not telling me why,
I was almost seven when my family lost our house
and we were forced to move to a new town
into another home, miles away from the one I was in since birth.