All I wanted was to feel wanted.
I thought you felt the same way, but the feeling wasn't mutual.
If anything, it probably never was.
Out of it all, I was probably a piece of ass.
Since that is probably the only thing you think about.
The fact that you didn't call or text back after I gave you a part of myself, hurt a lot.
But I can't just blame you, I have to blame myself for being so naive.
I, too, made the decison to meet up with you.
I let you have a part of me that no other guy ever got close to having.
Now I can't sleep at night because the thought of you lingers and you appear in my sleep.
All I can think about is your touch and scent, anything that can bring me back to that night.
Then I realize you never called or texted me back, guess it didn't mean as much to you.
All I wanted was to feel wanted but I got used.