The Winding Road of Reality
Take a road on the jet-black highway,
You are about to embark on a new adventure,
The scorching sun hits the surface as the heat waves rise,
The eagles fly high above the flower-decorated cacti,
Plug that key in the engine,
It is time to roll.
You have seen a few cars here and there,
Some are fast and some are slow,
A sign is posted unlike any other,
Not blue, not green, not red, not pink,
But yellow with a black arrow that has three curves on it,
This is not the start of the road but the start of your journey.
The road is a tad rugged and the sun is still burning,
You are still alright with your crummy granola bars and water,
Even in the heat, the wind gusts its breath in the unspoken air,
Driving past through homework and tests and teacher’s lectures,
Friends and enemies come and go,
The champagne bottle pops to commemorate your graduation.
Along the path you will see a waterfall so grand and beautiful,
Across the log there is a person whom you really loved long ago,
In your younger days getting the career you want was your dream,
There is certainly no problem relaxing in your time,
You find the person charming, caring, and sweet,
Above all, this person is loyal and supports all your decisions.
Your dream is so big but your heart is regrettably small,
There is nothing wrong with the person you’re with,
But you feel you have drifted off the pavement,
Still without the job of your dreams, you keep on going,
Studying hard and raking up the tuition bills,
The bills stack as high as your shabby, high-rise apartment.
After writing your resume to the company,
You have gotten rejected like all other applications,
Your loving person pushes you into the crowd,
Only one stands out most in the herd,
Like your dream, you sing to your heart’s content,
Everyone cheered and you landed in radio.
You make a left turn and reached a red light,
There are only a few seconds left before it turns green,
However, those few seconds are the longest you’ve experienced in time,
When you’re with this person you feel happy and content,
But the career you hoped for all along has not come along yet,
It is time to take a U-turn back to your comfortability.
The road continues to curve and sway,
You recap again in your lifetime amongst the trees,
Still a newbie in town you crawl into space,
On the board it posts “Looking for a new Best in Show,”
You hurriedly rip that off,
Signing up with the pen that suddenly leaks out ink.
The audition begins and your toes curl in like a flower at sleep,
The director waits and his fingers synchronize with the ticking of that clock,
Your mouth opens and the tune dances in the room,
Such a delight to hear that even the dullest of all smiles,
He says, “You’re hired!” and all is well,
The beginning of your dream job has finally begun.
Take Route 66 and go steady along the right,
Your head filled with wonder and your eyes filled with the world,
On paper your ideas flourish,
On video you start singing,
After that one click on the button of fate,
The next thing you know you are already walking on the red carpet.
Oh, how wonderful it is to live the life of your dreams,
The grandiose house, the populous boulevard, and your loving fans,
After all those curves you have finally made it,
But something aches in your heart,
Something is missing,
You then take a road back to where you started.
As night falls the stars hit the skies,
The shadows of the trees stretch in its awakening,
It’s hard to see what’s ahead but the car lights will do,
You hit the beginning of that winding road,
It is blocked by the giant rocks that fall upon it,
There is no place you can go now.
You make your bed in the car,
You look above the skies,
You wonder what’s above if there is someone watching over,
The sound of water dripping down the rocks echo through the night,
Take a hike above the hills,
It is the exact waterfall where you have once met your person.
The waterfall seems lonely,
But it is the same exact waterfall you had once seen,
It’s because the person you’re once with isn’t beside you,
But you decided to take a leap into your loving career,
Is it worth all the fame and dream?
Have you reached your point of happiness?
And so, the alarm clock rings in your dorm,
You slam that thing on the ground,
It is time to head to college,
Another day of working hard and studying long hours,
Take the car and head to that intersection,
The light gleams a blood-eye red.
You can turn straight, left, or right,
Whatever you take, you cannot go back,
The path can be scary when you don’t know what’s ahead,
No worries if you get lost, that’s why it’s an adventure,
The decision is now in your hands,
What road will you take?