When Only You Believe In You
You say you're here for me
You say I can count on you
You say... a lot of things.
"You just aren't like that"
"You should lower your expactations"
"Reality check..."
"No. No I don't think you can do it."
And I almost believed you.
But I believe in myself because
somebody has to
and that somebody will never be you.
You say you don't want me gone
just like I Say I won't go.
But we both can see the reality.
It's only a matter of time before I
am strong enough to leave.
You say a lot and do a lot and
I'm not sure that I can last the summer.
But I will, because you are
unfortunately an amazing resource
and a door to a network I could never build
on my own. That shows how much
I'm worth, I guess.
But all I care about is success
You say I need to not give a shit.
Okay, I'll start with you.
For a long time I've wanted to do that
so thank you for your permission.
I will be my verison of you and
your version of me and
whatever version of myself I need to be
in order to succeed.
You ask me how can I be willing to die
even after you say
"It's corrupt!" "It's a lie!"
Maybe that is true, but isn't that the point
of believeing in a cause; wanting it to turn out
on top? Willing to do whatever it takes for it to win?
All is fair in love in war
was not said without reason.
The means justify the ends
the ends usually justify the means
and morality is relative to the situation.
Even if it is corrupt I will still fight and work
because I believe that it can change
but at the same time, that is still necessary
a little.
because without some of that
the matter of fact is
our enemies will continue to be corrupt whether
we are or not.
And that will leave us
not on top.
and that is not success.
So, I can and will live with myself,
but I can't with you.
How much longer can I stay with
people who don't think I'll last a day
in the heat of the moment.
But at the same time, how can I live without you?
When can I?
How can I?