What is Love?
It's a whirlwind, you feel like you no longer are in control of your heart because you gave it away unintentionally. It feels like constant emotion of happiness and want. It feels like when you look at someone they just make the world stop. They become your everything even when you have your own world. You start to see a future with them In it. You could do anything for them. Drop anything. Be anything. Its a beautiful thing really, looking at someone and just knowing, that's the love of my life. It's a deep emotional desire.
They say fall in love, and it really a feels like falling.
And when it's taken away it feels as if your heart is ripped out and you actually hurt. Your heart psychically hurts. You don't want to move or talk or do anything. But you do. And each day goes by but theres always a piece of your heart missing.
Love should be happy, and beautiful, and like nothing you've ever experienced. It shouldn't be mediocre. The highs and lows make you realize if it's worth the fight. It should be because even when you do fight, in that moment you can't imagine fighting with anyone else.
They are worth the fight.
That is love.