What Can I Say?
I've gotten so used to the rain that I hardly feel it anymore
It's liek a friend giving sweet, sweet caresses
Letting me know everything is all right
The cobble stone sidewalks that trip me on my walk remind me
I'm whole
I exist
That I matter
People who smile and say "Good Morning"
When the ver wrong forecast says its gonna be overcast
But the smiles...
The smiles
Why doesn't everyone smile like that?
As if hte world is perfect?
As if that single moment is all that matters
Because if everyone smiled like that
The world would be better
This place is nowehre near Nirvana
But it's pretty damned close
A place wehre I feel like a person
And not a statistic
Color gradient
Sexual object
And the people
The environment
The setting
Oh sweet, sweet Conor
How you make me feel alive
And free
And present
How you let me know I'm not doomed
That there are indeed good people
What can I say?
Words can not express my gratitude
Whords just aren't enough
And yet...
Words are all I have