Slam Against Bullying

Roughly 80% of teens will be bullied at some point either physically, emotionally, or online. Also, it is a proven fact that bullying sucks. Create a poem and post it to this slam!

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WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
I lay looking into the breeze telling me of the cruelty based on the girl who grew up too soon
2 days 12 hours ago
I lay looking into the breeze telling me of the cruelty based on the girl who grew up too soon
2 days 12 hours ago
I've always heard it's niceTo be shaped like a coke bottle,But I've seen those coke bottle girlsBullied for being "Too big,""Too much,""T
1 week 6 days ago
Don't look away. In the corner, there is a girl,
2 weeks 20 hours ago
Lately, I've been trying to love myself Instead of focusing on my flaws The inevitable prsopect of burning in hell
2 weeks 3 days ago