you say i have up a wall,
well whats your definition of a wall?
the fact that i wont elaborate,
or the fact that u cant be my mate?
has it ever crossed your mind,
that maybe it isnt the right time,
to talk about letting you in,
b4 a true relationship can even begin?
perhaps thats just me,
its not necessarily how i choose to be.
i want to let loose and show u who i am,
but theres the thought of being caught in a sham.
and as the heartbroken, inexperianced, strong woman that is me,
i refuse to be used, treated like a peice of meat.
i want love just like the next woman or man,
the difference is i cant open up like he or she can!
i know there's potential, me n u,
as a couple in the future just us two.
but im not finna be with a guy,
whose expectations of a female on a first date are so dang high.
so u say that i have up a wall,
does that mean ull endeavor,
to see wut hides behind it?
im waiting on that right guy,
whose curiosity means love.
that guy who will break down this wall,
to see what lies behind it all...