Walking IN The Valley
In the valley of the Shadow of Death,
There’s no place to hide, no place to rest.
The demons there, haunting your every step.
Choking you ‘till you have no breath.
The light at the end of the tunnel
Is just another person walking forward
Trying to get out of the endless maze.
Walking in the valley for eternity.
We are one large mass of confusion
Wandering around, wondering where to go.
The devil has betrayed you and does not keep his promises.
So therefore you are alone, walking in the valley.
No one beside you to converse with,
The only sound, your footsteps,
And those in front or behind you. Silence-
Walking in the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
It is possible to escape the devils watchful eyes,
But it is near impossible for that of a human heart.
Once you are trapped in his grasp
You will continue walking in the valley.
So this comes to the beginning of my journey.
Without a God, in the valley.
If I will ever emerge, I don’t know, It starts here;
My walk through the valley with the devil by my side.