Untold Story on the Shelf
An untold story finds itself, dusty
That childhood story you once knew
Peeking out on the shelf
Holding Brother's Grimm Tales of the Billy Goats Gruff
And Cinderella
But Wait
There's Yours
Burning, curling the delicate pages of life
Layers of extracurricular involvement, success,
A facet of perfection
A fairytale
The brains, the beauty, the talent,
Oh generous heart, you've got it all
But Wait
Ink spilling over
There's yours
Pages with battles splattered amongst themselves
Motifs of pleasing versus inadequacy
Hidden shame versus freedom
The desire to serve others versus the fear of being unloved
The human experience
Raw, whole, pure
My untold story
Drying my splattered ink
Fearlessness, goals
Hello, again
Human experience
Raw, whole, pure
My untold story once more
Ink pouring, saturating the binding of life's pages
But Wait
The depth
The ink, drowning
Into my lungs
School, and lost goals
But wait
My untold story
Ink is still wet
Still writing
Still hopeful
Still forceful
Still Successful
Still Joyful
Still Strong
Still Unwritten
Still Me
Untold Story on the shelf
Still displayed
As a writing guide
A bandage
A Napkin
For writing untold stories
For healing torn pages
For holding dripping ink
Untold Story on the shelf
Collect dust as you may