The unseen connection
My head likes to raise scary possibilities and questions,
Elaborate thoughts and vague suggestions.
Needs no cause, no prompting or reason,
They speed up so fast that there's no chance to ease them.
All around, people are struggling like you,
Learning to cope, to handle, improve,
Hoping that you will see past their imperfections,
Each of us scared of judgements and rejections.
Always remember, there's no shame in being you,
Love and credit yourself for all you've stood through.
Take steps to heal, but allow yourself to be flawed,
There's far more to you than has yet been explored.
Hold up your head,
because we're all trying to mend.
Don't forget to call on that friend.
Allow yourself to trust,
be open,
dont hide,
Your allowed to
not always
be "ok" inside.