Unrealistic Beauty
How many times will I be told,
“Smile you may look prettier”, or
“You know what they say, you are what you eat”
All these expectations, these standards
I live with day in and day out
Trying to meet each and every unrealistic goal
Just to please this society we dare call a “community”
Even when I know I’ll never compare
To those Photoshop Barbie’s
How many times will I be told
“You need a thigh gap, keep a flat belly,
Tame that wild mane you call hair,
Speak up, stay quite keep your opinions to yourself”
When will they stop shoving these standers
Down our throats, better yet
When will I stop listing and speak out and
“I’m no modal and damn proud of that,
I’m 5’1 and I’ll wear my high tops
All day long, I’ll eat what I want and
Enjoy every seconds of it. I’ll let my hair
Down and let it blow in the wind”
But I can’t say these thoughts because
They’re lost in a sea of opinions and critiques
That over power the truth, the reality
They paint a picture of perfection that we’ll
Only see in dreams.
I can’t take off the mask I wear of pretend happiness
Of these standers, afraid to be ridiculed and teased
I can’t come out behind the curtain of false perfection
That I try to live up to please a society
Based on looks and shallowness
I’ll keep hiding behind this curtain until when and only when
We all burry this unrealistic beauty.
When we all accept that imperfect is perfect.