Four in the morning, mother was screaming
But the screams weren’t in anger, only slightly in pain
But mother and father smiled moments later
And everything changed
And father cried
Thomas, they said
Because that was his name
And he was what their world was about.
Five in the morning, Thomas was crying
And father came in the room
And gave him a hug
And Thomas said he had a bad dream
And father said that it was all okay
Because that was what he was supposed to do
And father tucked him into bed
Then kissed him on the forehead
So Thomas fell asleep
And father went back to mother and said everything was fine
So mother returned to sleep
Because she was concerned
And Thomas was their son, and he was what it was all about
Six in the morning, Father knocked on the door
And said, “get up”
And walked away
But it was still dark outside
But Thomas woke up
And put on his clothes
And mother handed him waffles
Because Thomas needed breakfast
And he was late for school
And father was frustrated
But Thomas knew not why
But mother kissed Thomas goodbye
Because that was the thing to do
And Thomas was her son, and he was what it was all about
Seven in the morning, Thomas woke up
And grabbed his things,
But father and mother were asleep
And he drove himself to school
And teacher gave back his test
And Thomas sunk in his chair
30 minutes later, the bell rang
And teacher called him over
Tom, what’s going on—is something bad at home?
But Thomas just shrugged his shoulders
And he sat alone at lunch
And he had few friends
And then he went home
Father and mother were yelling
So he went to his room, and went to bed
And mother cried, and left
Because she couldn’t take it
But she was selfish, Thomas was her son
But he wasn’t what it was all about
Eight in the morning, Thomas leaves school
And he should be in English
But he can’t take it
So he gets in his car
And drives to his house
And when he gets home, he walks up the stairs
And he takes his belt off
And hangs it in his closet
And he looks in the mirror and admits defeat
Because he can’t take it
And he’s all-alone
And he wants peace
Because that’s what it is all about.
Nine in the morning, they all line up in black
And mother is screaming
This time in pain
And father isn’t smiling
And everything changes
And friend is crying, but he gets up
Thomas, he says
That was his name,
And Thomas was love
And Tom wanted love
Because that is what people need
And love is what it is all about