You cried
You cried for maybe
20 minutes?
Then you pleaded
You tried to at least
But why?
What's the point?
Then you screamed
Screamed at the world
Screamed at me
Because we hurt you
Then you got angry
Angry at me for leaving
Angry at yourself for believing
Because you couldn't understand
Then you made threats
Threats to hurt yourself
Threats to "expose" me
But that didn't work either
Then you got livid
You said you hated me
You repeatedly told me to kill myself
And you meant it
Then you apologized
Tried to take it all back
But the things you said
Can never be forgiven
Then you cried again
Less this time
5 minutes?
Or 4?
And your cycle repeats
An endless loop
But it will never work
No matter how much you say you love me