A Soul's Triumph and Waste
Short note: the following poem is in Villanelle style.
As words that infuse life into a dark place,
Poetry gave a face to the tangled mess in my mind,
As strokes on a page that probe a soul’s triumph and waste.
I realized its power from a young age,
As rhythms on a page that could heighten glories sublime,
And as words that infuse life into a dark place.
Shel Silverstein’s words made my imagination race;
Even before I was five feet tall how my mind would climb,
Through strokes on a page they probe a soul’s triumphs and waste.
In that strange void between childhood and the adult phase,
Poetry became a release of the confused energy kind,
And as words that infuse life into a dark place.
As I phase into adulthood, poetry is a case,
In which sits a mirror revealing a subconscious pried,
Strokes on a page that probe the soul’s triumph and waste.
In words drawn from the deep place,
can come speech from a face divine;
Words that infuse life into a dark place,
and as strokes on a page that probe a soul’s triumph and waste.