So close yet so far,&
So close yet so far, to freedom and death.
Freedom from hurt, pain, abuse, chains, bruises, tears, fights, cuts, offensive words, breakdowns, loneliness and depression.
Death from the life that I live: in hurt, pain, abuse, chains, bruises, tears, fights, cuts, offensive words, brekdowns, loneliness and depression.
Fredom from the roof that I live under, yet it might be the setting of suicide.
Freedom from my family, yet they are the ones that torture me to death.
Freedom of life, yet I live in my death.
It's funny how the most important people in you life are the ones that are SUPPOSE TO love you for who you are. What makes it funny is it's not always true for some people.
It;s funny when family get closer together, they end up pushing each other apart with envy, hatred and revenge.
It's funny when you get older, life isn't fun anymore, even if you try to make it fun, but life teaches you how to live in death.
I'm cursed. From my father, and his father, and his father, and many more fathers behind.
Do I plan to kill myself? No. I just wish I would have never existed. And I plan to never have anyone after me. Because only my death can end this curse for good, but it's only up to God when my death will come.