Rejection is Acceptance
Our world is full of complexity
that we face competitively.
One thing we dread
is the future in our head.
"Hush!" the powerful say,
wanting us gone far away.
Quietly we move on,
humming a new song.
Acceptance is what we yearn,
in a world that does care about our burns.
Rejection is what we fear,
hoping for a treatment that is all too dear.
The charity of rejection
is reflecting on our behavioral imperfections.
Accept these rejections as a gift,
move on to another drift.
"How is it a gift?!" people ask,
I respond with "It gives us the motivation to continue with our task."
It shows us the determination hidden beneath,
stop covering it with a sheath.
Face rejection,
It is a gift like none.
Accept the world as is,
Life is just a quiz.