Reflection on reflection
Mirrors would always tell the ugliest truths
Reflection found in front face camera or frankly placed in front of bathroom sink faucets fed the unacceptable attributes
Unallowing any filter or photoshop on face or body
It was raw hard hitting truth.
Hitting hard enough to cause cracked mirrors.
Hitting hard enough to turn eyes leakier than the most depressed faucet unfixed by unfairly priced tumblers.
Hitting hard and constant, with every look into the mirror which tells no pretty lies.
The reflection left no room to run.
But the truth was only ugly at this point because I wasn’t truly looking at myself
I was seeing the ugly words left by the mouths of somebody else
I was seeing the ugly standards of a unwarm world.
I was seeing an ugly seed planted by others that my tears gave growth to.
Realizing this on reflection, I stopped, I did not block out anything,
Yet I opened my eyes to the person behind the reflection
and for once.
Saw myself.