When I hold it in my hand,
I feel much power
I feel like I haven't been crying for the past half hour
When I lay the cool metal upon my wrist
I feel my worries cease to exist
Sometimes, I let it sit there a while
While I reminisce
About the events prior to me cutting my wrists
Why do you do it, is the first thing they ask
It forces me to dig deeper into my past
I don't know really, why I do what I do
Once upon a time, I was just like you
I thought cutting was stupid and that there were other things you could do
When I finally slid the blade across my wrist
I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing
But i kept continuing, until I saw blood ooze
I imagined bleeding purples, blacks, and blues
When I put it down,
I felt so weak
I closed my eyes and was engulfed in sleep