"Poetry from an Airplane"
I'm sitting and I'm waiting
I'm just waiting
and there are people around me
whispering amongst themselves
as if everything is okay.
I cannot figure out
why they are here
and where they are going to
back to their lives
as if it's home to them.
No one is beautiful
just plain and average
not like in magazines
but somewhere I guess
someone loves them.
Some walk past me
as if I'm not there
but they aren't real to me
because I do not know
who they are.
They don't know me
as if I'm not real
as if the clouds aren't real
as if the ground isn't there
below the wings of the airplane.
They can't hear me
as if I'm silent
but I can hear melodies
through the headphones
a few thousand feet in the air.
I'm writing a poem
without rhyme
to figure out who I am
on this airplane
heading to home.
I wonder if these people
aside from my family
call it home too
or if they are just visiting
and will go back.
I think I'll stay
and keep wondering why
no one is as beautiful as they seem
but that someone thinks they are somewhere.
I hope that someone
can think that
about me in the place I call home
and I can be beautiful
to that one person
And maybe we are all real
if everything is right
and everyone is home
and everyone is happy
and things will be okay.
Someday I think we'll all be beautiful.
Someday I think we'll all be real.