The Place With the Sea and the Sand
The place with the sand and sea is abandoned,
Bumpy tracks of vehicles are freshly anew,
But no other traces of a once crowded beach left behind.
It had become a place for a loner,
For desolation
For solitude
The girl did not know why her feet led her there,
Yet she knew she belonged.
She was standing alone,
She was lured to the sea,
Yearned to feel the breeze through her hair,
And have the warm sand bury her toes.
She wanted to taste the saltwater sensation.
The feet followed the tracks through the long clearing to the shoreline
And as the hands brushed the old wooden fence
She finally reached her destination.
Peering at the many clouds moving swiftly through the air,
The memories came back-
The hot summer days:
The radio blaring, lifeguard whistling, sandcastle building,
Summer days.
She loved the place with the sea and the sand
She loved the water glistening as rays of sunshine beat down upon it
And the sounds of waves infiltrating the air
She loved the ways it forced her to think,
To reflect,
To relax.
It was always on her side
There for comfort through frustration
An ailment for her pain
She knew it was forever hers.