A Piece of Sharp Glass
He struggles to find his place in this world
But for putting up walls, he should get an award
Because the only person he shares his feelings with
Would never even be able to understand it
She's never felt the pain that he has been feeling
For his whole life, with this shit he's been dealing
She listens, and loves him, and gives some advice
But she's never even seen her parents fight
His girlfriend cares for him more than any other
But she wasn't abandoned by her father
She's never felt the depressions that he has
Never put to her wrist a piece of sharp glass
And though her love for him has no end
That doesn't mean she'll ever understand
The one person that he can actually talk to
But she's never gone a Christmas without something new
Try and try as his lover might
She's never known his hunger or his plight
And though her mere presence is somewhat soothing
It doesn't stop him from always brooding
Because until their well off and he's happy
He feels he cannot care for this lassy
Because he is too prideful to let his girl
Take care of him before he cares for her