Performance, the Spirit
a hundred pairs of feet, clad strong and stepping forward
clip clop clip clop
step one in time, and step two even sharper
Tens follow after, light and graceful on their runners
pit pat pit pat
toes pointed with fashion, and stride lengths equal
heads held high, positions straight and striving
gazes were focused, cutting through the glaring sunlight
the announcer calls us forward, and 137 step forward in unison
the stands erupt in roars, the audience hinting their expectations
exercises echo throughout the stadium, and We set up our equipment
each member moves forward to their spot, ready stance rigid, unwavering
our drum major counts us off
and the still field bursts into life
luminescence refracts off Our costumes,
sequins splashing color as We pranced about
rippling silks fly up in arcs and cones,
swishing from Our enthusiastic strength
each pose and stance was hit sharply,
Our skirts swirling up in fluid response
We dance about the grassy stage,
leaping from one yard line to the next
the band passes through Us,
and We pass through the band
counts are beating from person to person,
Us Sisters counting in practiced unison
second movement proceeds,
and the rifles sweep forward in precision
bodies spin and guns are flowing along,
flourishes decorate the intricate shapes formed
tosses jump up in a ripple, caught
all in time with a clack, clack, clack
chins are tilted up out of habit,
genuinely wide smiles plastered across Our faces
arms are thrown forward with rhythmic speed,
only to fall back with contrasting control
metal weights ring within the flags,
bringin the vivacious show to a solid still end
high applause flood Our ears
drowning out Our heavy breathing
everyone kept motionless, all for added effect
another second and chaos ensued, performers walking off
grins satiated with adrenaline glistened, the aftereffect of performing
hours upon hours of grueling practice, sets run repeatedly until perfection
showcasing what we’ve done, performing our show to the families
the encouraging cheers and celebration, is what make me feel alive
a hundred pairs of feet, clad strong and stepping forward
clip clop clip clop
step one in time, and step two even sharper
Tens follow after, light and graceful on their runners
pit pat pit pat
toes pointed with fashion, and stride lengths equal