One Hundred and Fifty One
Pouting like a baby, who was just told no.
Trying to maintaining your composure, so you don't explode.
Turn your head from me, so i wouldn't know.
But i can see, tell me what's happening.
I can see it, its in your eyes.
There is something, I know you're trying to hid.
But in the end, I can't help if you push me aside.
Don't you know!
I can see, theres something you fear.
My ears will stay, right here.
A shoulder, you can cry your storm.
A door, you can knock on.
The poem you wrote rings in my ears.
"There was a little boy, that decided to run away.
Only to realize, that it had started to rain.
So up to his room, hurriedly he goes.
Kneels down only to notice, his door never closed."
Did you not say anything out of fear.
You had a past, you didn't want to share,
It wasn't like I wasn't going to care.
You dad's a drunk, your moms six feet under.
Your dads been beating you, since the summer.
You gave yourself pain to survive.
Now you're floating, into the skies.
And here i am, saying my last goodbyes.
I don't even need, to wonder why.
Because you were the little boy, who decided to run away.
Only for you to realize, that it had started to ran.
So you went to you room, kneeled down, and started to pray.
But only stopping, when the pain erupted on your face.