Not today
I don’t want to die today
Not today
Today I woke up on time
to make it to class
Today I baked a cake
Licked the icing off my finger tips
Today my books came in the mail
And I didn’t want to die today
Maybe it’s because the sun came out
Or maybe it was because of
the rain in the morning
But whatever the reason,
I don’t want to die today.
For those who understand
I am sorry
For those that don’t
I fear someday you will
But cherish it now
Cherish the fact that you do not know,
That a sorrow so tangible is foreign to you
That a grief so deep hasn’t swallowed you
Embrace those that you love in case they are taken from you
But remember to live today
Remember to breathe in the breeze
Feel the sun on your skin
The earth beneath your feet
And live.
I don’t want to die today
I may want to tomorrow
Perhaps yesterday I did
But today is today
And I don’t want to die today
I want to live to see the flowers bloom
I want to live to see the fireworks fly through the sky on the Fourth of July
I want to swim in a lake
Dive as deep as I can until the sun is a distant memory and the surface is lost
I want to remember how it feels to breach the surface and take a gulp of fresh air
Feel the wind in my hair
Listen to music in the car
See your smile again and again
And laugh, a laugh so real I forget to hide
A laugh so real that my mask falls off
And I am free to be myself.
Today I do not want to die
I want to live to be me.
Entirely and completely
I can barely remember what it means
But I want it
Is this the road to recovery?
I could not tell you,
I cannot promise I won’t slide off the path from time to time.
Though I will do my best to avoid the trees
I missed you today
But I don’t want to die today