Never be you
I am the spiritual leader of this home, he says
You belong to me, he says
I belong to no one, i scream
In my head....
You remind me of myself, he says
We are the same, he says
I will never be you I scream
i would rather be dead,
I cried inside, but never said...
You need Jesus, he cries
He saved me you know- he lies
You should've been sterilized, says
my mind...
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, He screams
You need a strong man to lead you,
and right now that is me,
You're the most unstable hypocrite that i have met,
i sing.... but carry no sound or melody...
You judgmental witch, He smears
He spits in my face
Why can't you just accept me for who i am?
A complete psychopath, i tried..
but just curse myself as I let the words die
Damn you, damn you, he says
I gave you everything, he growls
what, like the hand prints on my arms?
I didn't howl...
I'm sick, he says
I'm going to die, he sighs
I smile inside,
Now it's just a matter of time....
Take care of your brothers and sisters,
he whispers in his bed
but before he goes to take his last breath...
Hey dad before you die I-
He looks at me with a flash of confusion in his eyes,
Yes my girl, he says
Yes my princess, he whispers
I freeze, choking on my disdain...
Come on say it, say everything.
I try and try and try...
but all that comes out is,
nothing never mind.