My Shadowed Self
I'm not afraid of my shadow,
Or the satin woven black
Of the night sky,
Words it lack.
I'm a heavy breather,
Fantasiser, I believe
In the Northern light.
But strap my arms
Behind my back
So that I can't,
So that I won't
Take flight,
Then maybe I'd have realized
All this world is missing is her ABC's
If you saw this, you'd see me,
But you'd never know my name.
I'm a woman, I'm a man, I'm a face
In the sand. I'm a spirit,
In a body,
What else matters?
They tell me, everything.
If I was a man,
Who's hand
Would I take?
The worst kind of human
Spewing hate?
Or would I be the lover
Of the pretty girl next door?
Wouldn't matter.
My manlihood'
Would be the latter.
I'm a woman,
Shouldn't matter,
But already
The steryotypes shapen up
Like a lighter.
I'm a spirit,
When it comes to.
I am me,
And you are you