My Depression
My depression is like
I’m swimming through a deep darkness
Thick and black like oil
My airways are blocked
Panicking desperately to reach the surface
But an anchor chained to my left foot
Keeps me on the brink of death
Your love is nothing but an act
Your smile
Your words
They are all a lie
To think I could be cured by the best actress
That’s the biggest joke of all
Bring me Jennifer Lawrence, Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt
I am not a fool to be made of
You all see me as a joke
Someone to lift their own spirits by putting me down
I am the real actor
I laugh, smile
In front of my so-called “friends”
I could trick anyone that I am happy
So much that they could smell
The scent of sweet roses and daisies
See the bright pinks and yellow reflecting off me
They would give me an award for
Being the most elated person
Every day I put up this play
And I get real tired
Insomnia keeps me awake
With white candle wax dripping on the floor
As a deep red crimson follows it
The glint of steel
Is quite the gentleman
Kind, loving
Yet like a drug
Sharp and addicting
Who would have thought that
Even I could find romance
The tragedy is my one and only love
Taste like bitter metal
And is not even alive
Just like the fantasyland of
Joy I wish to see
Is only a dream
My razor
Begs me each night to taste the
Scarlet copper
My head tells me yes
But my body says no
And I cry because that is the only thing hanging on
When someone scars, punches, or cuts me
She heals it as fast as she can
If only my skin could speak
She could be the only one to save me
From myself