To My 18-Year-Old Self
To my 18-year-old self,
I know you are scared
Because it took you forever
To admit to yourself
That you might be gay.
I know you’re confused
Because you’ve liked boys before, too
But, did you know,
It is actually a thing
To like more than one gender?
Dear gay, young self,
I know right now
You feel lost,
Like you can never truly be you,
Never truly be free,
that this will be
At the back of your mind
For the next five years.
I am here to tell you
That things will get better.
You will come
To love yourself
As you are.
Dear gay, young self,
You will meet a lot of girls
And some boys
Who will break your heart.
These heartbreaks will be hard
Because you will have no one to tell
But God and the sky.
And even that,
Is not enough
Dear gay, young self,
Beautiful and ugly things
Will happen to your community
And you will be forced
To celebrate by yourself
And mourn on your own
But you will stand taller
Because this
Will remind you
That you must be proud
To be who you are
Not just for the sake
Of others,
But as an act
Of survival.
Dear gay, young self,
There will be days
Where you will want to give up,
But you will keep fighting
Because your desire
To love and to live
Will burn stronger than
Despair ever will.
Dear gay, young self,
You are resilient.
Do you know
How many times
You will have
To hold your own hand,
Dry your own tears,
And pick your heart back up
On your own?
Dear gay, young self,
God still loves you,
He always has,
And He always will.
He does not care
Who you love
Or how you love,
As long as you love.
He will show you
In more ways than one,
That He will never leave you.
He will help you
Find light
In the darkest parts of yourself.
Dear gay, young self,
You may feel inadequate and unbeautiful
But you are none of those
You are more.
You are a beautiful soul
With a beautiful mind
And a heart of gold
That will touch more lives
Than you’ll possibly know.
Dear gay, young self,
You will meet people,
friends and mentors,
gay and straight,
Who will inspire you
And remind you
That Love is Love
And nothing
Is stronger.
Each time
Will bring you closer
To being the person
You were meant to become.
Dear gay, young self,
You may feel silenced,
You may be hurting,
You may feel alone,
But you,
You are powerful,
You are perfect,
You are loved,
And You
Will get through this.
With much love and respect,
Your 23-year-old self.