The day I left was the hardest day of my life
Looking into your eyes killed me
Blank, expressionless, emotionless
It was your decision to play the wife.
I've been so angry at you for what you did
You knew I was hurting
Instead of facing the facts
You hid.
I wanted you to fight for me
I begged you to make the right choice
I needed you to tell me everything was okay
For my happiness, it was the key.
Truth be told, you hurt me more than he did
Just to put it in perspective for you
That's a large accomplishment to hold
You know I was just a kid.
Yeah, Mommy, this one's for you
Your daughter you said you loved
Promised to protect
If only I had a clue.
Trust in her mother
Is something a daughter should have
You killed me that day
I am no longer a lover.
I know I still sound mad
And maybe I am
But perhaps the correct word
Would be sad.
I'll forgive you one day, I promise
But today is not that day
Because those scars I carry
Are not going away.