The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form
In two or more stages.
Metamorphosis; maturity.
Caterpillars that eat their knowledge out of Milkweeds
And suck the sweet raindrops of sophistication
Until they are bursting from the seams.
Students form chrysalises
Intricately weaving their web of thoughts, theories and tropes
Into secure bundles and to swaddle themselves in;
From impatient slumber
They will finally break free,
Their wings, dripping with color
Such glimmering vibrancy
Vibrating as they stretch
Young students to adults
Perfection; evolution.
From feeble larvae
To gossamer monarchs and swallowtails,
We begin frightened, starved –
Yet grow,
Push on and survive –
Finding wings
Finding freedom
Feeling glorious
Will only last
Not from success, no –
From happiness.
The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form
In two or more stages.
We weave our webs of securities and butterscotch memories,
So when we tear them, they will prepare us
For the bittersweet world