The Menstruating Times
At times I am menstruating
My uterine muscles
Pumping at my dry bloody walls
My Wounded Vaginal Walls Rupturing out of gory fright.
My ribcage cracks and wails
Leaving a disdainful cry
I am bleeding heavily
The flow is like a river’s tail
My mood might go up or down
Or simply lay still as a black ocean
At times I get chills and other ills to be
My stubby knees shivering here to thee
My cramps suffer a hardship much more without
The wind that bubbles within
My pelvis, such as those before
Every month there’s a new one
Wretched and sore
Sometimes there are two or more
Two or three days on October
But never more than three
Here and now
In this teeny cubby hole
I lay head swollen and without
A blanket or a sheet
To keep me covered and warm
Deprived of makeup or other stuff for me to become adorned
November is a bit pretentious you see,
Now I have two opposing P’s
Beginning and closing my monthly woes
Just to repeat the final month in alternative way
When I hover down to pee
On my panties a gift lay for me
A golden, blacken heart shape surprise!
It’s darken blood, still and old
Covered in mucus and tissue
Oh, what a glorious sight has I!
Now a curse Eve my Mother B
Yes, that one that came before me
Her lies a deceitful point
One to be given to me for all eternity
I bite my lips in willful ignorance
Wanting to defeat the internal battle wailing inside of me
One that I am having with nature
One that I will never win
Until I am dead and buried
And never seen again
Why can’t I be the one to instruct this period when to come?
I could be like a composer directing a ballot of a wonderful composition
Or an Artiste drawing a story of my life
I swallow my pride
In the face of nature's watchful eye
Like a breeded spy
I say I’m perfectly fine
Until it’s time for me to dine
But hunger no longer besets me
Even this too shall pass
Until the next month when I am harass
Up till I’m ancient and dusty