Make The Cut
379 kingswood estates
United States
38° 24' 28.0764" N, 82° 2' 9.4668" W
See map: Google Maps
Ripped but not running
My faith was not burning
Neither were the lines
But no one had since to read between the lines
Between my parallel lines
As i fear the actual word i must
Confess the Unjust truth
I must stand face to face
With my own trace
Of parallel lines its true
That I was lonely ashamed
Fearful you could say deranged
Because instead of seeking help
I distracted myself with more pain
Only to be even more disgusted
With my choice as tears erupted
Like volcanoes and buttons bein pushed like pianos
This has been weighing on my chest
Ever since I was healed by the best
And now my testimony must confess
I didnt just cut myself
I cut him out
Because i didnt realize
That altho i sin so much
His unconditional love
Made it possible for me to make the cut
Thank you
For touching me for healing me
Because i wanted to be healed
I didnt even have to walk up to you and ask
"Jesus, can we make a deal"
Cuz he already asked that question
And its our choice whether or not to accept it
We cant praise God sunday
And every other day of the week pick life back up where we left it
Dont think the scriptures you've collected one day
Will get You to the next sunday alone
No you need to also connect with God
on a spiritual level at home
So you to will make the cut
Not the parallel the perpendicular that Christ cut cross completely and contently
So one day he cud meet me
And rewash all my sins free for good
Cuz its impossible to be sin free for just 5 minutes
But it is possible when your soul has been replenished
And to be honest I dont kno much of what i speak
I sound like a Jesus freak
Cuz he's the one im tryin to seak
And now i see
My first book is over the second one is beginning
In my first book I was broken , I thought Christ ignored me
My faith was not burning
Neither were the lines
But no one had since to read between the lines
Between my parallel lines
As i fear the actual word i must
Confess the Unjust truth
I must stand face to face
With my own trace
Of parallel lines its true
That I was lonely ashamed
Fearful you could say deranged
Because instead of seeking help
I distracted myself with more pain
Only to be even more disgusted
With my choice as tears erupted
Like volcanoes and buttons bein pushed like pianos
This has been weighing on my chest
Ever since I was healed by the best
And now my testimony must confess
I didnt just cut myself
I cut him out
Because i didnt realize
That altho i sin so much
His unconditional love
Made it possible for me to make the cut
Thank you
For touching me for healing me
Because i wanted to be healed
I didnt even have to walk up to you and ask
"Jesus, can we make a deal"
Cuz he already asked that question
And its our choice whether or not to accept it
We cant praise God sunday
And every other day of the week pick life back up where we left it
Dont think the scriptures you've collected one day
Will get You to the next sunday alone
No you need to also connect with God
on a spiritual level at home
So you to will make the cut
Not the parallel the perpendicular that Christ cut cross completely and contently
So one day he cud meet me
And rewash all my sins free for good
Cuz its impossible to be sin free for just 5 minutes
But it is possible when your soul has been replenished
And to be honest I dont kno much of what i speak
I sound like a Jesus freak
Cuz he's the one im tryin to seak
And now i see
My first book is over the second one is beginning
In my first book I was broken , I thought Christ ignored me
But in this second book im finally face to face with the glory
See now i can tell his message
Rather than just tell my story
But Im still in training
Im tryin to make the cut
Not the parallel to the others
But the perpendicular to all of us
See now i can tell his message
Rather than just tell my story
But Im still in training
Im tryin to make the cut
Not the parallel to the others
But the perpendicular to all of us