The Long Drive
It always begins the same.
You slide behind a cold cold wheel.
The solid black night stretches on forever.
You slip trance like as the lights fly by.
Each one a life with choices and consequences.
Pain and suffering and love and laughter.
Night seems to call to all the places you thought you lost.
Ghosts that should stay dead and buried
Shake the floor and rattle your mind.
Chasing you in every reflection that your eye lingers too long.
You see it in the steady shake of your hands that you know,
Is more than just the cold you feel on your skin.
There's an emptiness in the night on the long drives
A sadness for all the paths never taken.
All the bridges utterly burned beyond repair.
You could choke on all the words you said.
And be crushed by all the ones you should have...
You keep repeating the same mantra over and over
A pledge of resolution, a promise of hope.
You need a song to chase away the chill.
One that sounds like dreams look.
The kind that takes you to somewhere different.
Where you're some one different.
Everyone's life looks grand when it isn't yours.
Before you know it, the drive is done.
Because every drive like all the ones before it,
No matter where they may take you,
Where you may go and wherever it takes you.
There is always a road that will take you home...