A Letter to My Soulmate
I don't think you exist.
You're like a unicorn
with your beauty abundance,
majestic prescence,
magical countenance -
I'm not really good at this.
I am but a toad living eight lakes over,
not even a frog awaiting a lover.
I won't become any more beautiful when you touch me.
Your lips may embrace mine
And my mind may explode
And time will slow down
But I,
I will still be a toad.
Possibly with warts --
The world may never know,
But YOU,
If you truly exist,
Could be
The first
To know --
If we ever happen to cross paths, that is.
Right now,
As I sit down
Throwing together sounds,
My face frowns
With effort
As I try to come up with words.
But what words?
There are no words
That I could use
To express how I feel.
No words
To tell my parents
That they should stop hoping
For a grandchild
I cannot give;
No words
To explain to my friends
Why I refuse to be vulnerable
To another human being,
Ever again;
No words
To describe
The perfecion of person
Who I have lost hope in meeting.
A long time ago,
A person
Who I might delight
In sharing a single night with;
A person
With whom
I could laugh
For hours
And hours
And hours on end with;
A person
I could sing badly with;
A person
I could stay up late with;
A person
I could just be myself with.
They say soulmates are tied together,
Bound by fate with invisible strings
Which pull them closer
And closer
Until they meet.
The twin spirits,
Created to be
A perfect match for each other,
Would be two parts of a whole.
They would be made
To be nothing less
Than the very best
Of partners.
Where one fell back,
The other excelled.
The traits one lacked,
The other held.
When one lost ability to carry on,
The other would be well
And steadfast.
The two could conquer the world
Hand in hand,
Better together.
When I look into the mirror,
I don't see beauty,
Or strength,
Or brilliance,
Or majesty;
I don't see anything at all
That could possibly deserve
A love so great,
So selfless,
So powerful
That another would be willing to give
Any part of themselves
To even want
To even have
Any relation
With me.
But I refuse to bring you down.
If our meeting is inevitable,
I refuse to be the source
Of any pain,
Any suffering,
Any dificulty.
If destiny has woven our lives --
If destiny has woven us
Too tightly,
Too intricately,
Too completely
For even the heavens to untangle,
Then I will traverse heaven and hell,
Defeat every challenge,
Fight every battle,
Face every fear,
Do everything in my power
To be good enough
To deserve
A unicorn,
A person,
A soulmate
Like you.
I promise,
My love,
I won't let you down.