my dog lani
had a hernia on her stomach
she spent a lot of time crying
now she spends her time wreaking havoc
on our brand new carpet--and it's my dad who's crying
my dog lani
lost most of her teeth
to someone else's feet
now she buries her food underneath
the blankets on our couch--chewing them is too tough a feat
my dog lani
cries at the bottom of the stairs
every morning when my parents
leave until I bury her in blankets and swear
the world's smaller than it used to be--she's safe in the absence
of liars and thieves
not fit to be of mankind
they wrap themselves in
carpets and pretend to be vampires blind
to the world but they don't fool me--I see through the web of lies they spin
my dog lani
has more courage than most men
certainly more than those she left
we may be the crazy ones but she'll never be harmed again
because crazy isn't an excuse it's a disease--you don't see anyone blaming theft
on diabetes
that's because cowardice
is unrelated to condition
insanity doesn't justify gutlessness
I've never seen a day of sanity--but you don't see me lightin'
the town on
fire because crazy certainly does not
mean I don't know right from wrong
my dog lani and I are a lot alike you see we both suffer from the rot
wrought by abuse and we've both overcome the odds--me and my crazy dog