Just Another Actress
I construct stories and lies in my head,
Am I an actress or a liar?
Telling people lies with so much belief that
I begin to believe them myself.
I'm a liar with dramatic emotions,
so intent on painting a better life or myself,
so devoted to the characters I create.
I laugh when expected, I cry when she does
Who is she anyway?
Invading my space, taking my place
Some people know her, even prefer her.
Is she my other self or am I hers?
I keep the secret, she yells it out
We share one mind, but divide our thoughts.
"Tell them," she says.
"I can't," I reply.
My lies stare back in the mirror
Her eyes flash green as envy, then red as lust
Then back to black as rage.
"TELL THEM!!" she screams.
"I WON'T!!" I yell back.
I construct stories and lies in my head,
Am I an actress or am I liar?
She answers for me:
"You're tryng to separate two thing that are one.
An actress must lie to protect her identity."
Without the filter, I'm just another actress scared of my own self.