Poems from ashleymcd718

My name is Ashley and I am 28 years old. I currently reside in Fayetteville, NC with my amazing husband of 5 years, Matt and our two rowdy doggies, Chloe (Yorkshire Terrier) and Izzy (Black Lab). My life is wonderful and I couldn't be happier than I am today!!! =)
You could hear her heels click as she walked. A statue of a woman who could walk the walk and talk the talk.
She did her magic for the...
Those bright, helpless eyes staring up at me. Instantly I understand her thoughts, as she cannot speak.
I often find it difficult to...
I've ventured through the darkest journies & I've passaged along the lonliest roads. I've traveled all alone to a corner of the world...
I daydream about younger years and have to stop the tears from swelling in my eyes. Almost every single memory is ruined by the pain of...
Those bright, helpless eyes staring up at me. Instantly I understand her thoughts, as she cannot speak.
I often find it difficult to...