Introverts and Extroverts live on two different planets
I feel as if I'm a block of chalk
who nobody sees
Why can't I be seen?
Because so many personalities
stand out way more pronounce than me
I am merely a shadow in their presences
They speak with such confidence
and clarity
While I am such a small mouse
meek and shy
small and quiet
No one see's me
just myself
I am invisible
how do I stand out?
Everyone else is louder than I
I can't find my voice
It's lost in my tongue
and my tongue is lost in my cheek
and my cheek is bloodied
from all the ums and ahhs
Tongue tied and twisted up
all ugly in the back of my mouth
Hello, does anyone hear me?
How could they?
They speak louder than me
They are so boisterous
and out going
This is no place for an introvert
Who wants to make a small circle of friends to sit
down and have tea with
or coffee
or hot chocolate
and express our deeply seeded feelings
No, this is the place for the free spirted
Land of the extroverts