Quiet and unsure,
Shaking and scared
With a stutter so obscure
The words wouldn't come out
They asked again,
“How do you feel ?”
“Do you remember at all?”
Round and shiney
Sliding slowly down my cheek
The tears fell
Causing ripples in my life
Ripples that prolonged the pain
That aggravated
The once calm sea
They asked questions
That I couldn't speak
That I couldn't answer
My own self didn't understand
What had happened
What was going on
The chaotic sensation of not being in control
Of my feelings
My emotions
My thoughts
How will I even have control again.
I gasp for air
My hand reaches out
In my hands
A safe line
The pen.
I lay the pen softly on the paper
As if to not harm it
For I knew pain
I choke out in ink what i couldn't say
I am able to distinguish between sobbing
And words
It all seems to find its place
In between each space
In between each curve
In between each period
There's finally clarity.
Finally the pandemonium of my head
Is silent.
The horrendous waves of rumination
Are silenced
Slowly sliding onto the paper.
My sobs turn to words.
My tears turns to strength.
Im free.