Information Age
Information; information!
My mind inflates from the
Constant inhalation
Of words
Black on white
They blur together like zebra stripes;
I am trampled by a stampede of frightened phrases
Ecstatic for the open spaces
In my mind
Like the African plains,
But these excited neurons
Are causing me
My eyes strain
At the pages
Like gorillas against their cages
Barred back by
Cold, hard information
But there's no reason for self-infliction
Maybe it's time I squeezed out this soaking
Kitchen sponge
Before it takes another
Before it festers with
The neglected words of breakfast
And dinner
And give its pores
Some time to sweat
Even just a poem.
Every mind needs some time to
Relax with some rhymes;
Write down some lines,
Lest we forget in all our
That an oversaturated mind leaves
Searing stains of regret.
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Wow awesome muse here. Impressive similes created here, ESP like how u put in zebra stripes and rhymed in gorilla cages. Yeah there's lots of contradictory info in the various media. Great rhyme scheme here. Kudos.
Im a new poet here but have been writing elsewhere for ages so I invite u to review my latest poem too. Readers elsewhere tell me they enjoy my poems lots so hoping u will too.