I'm mad.
I'm mad.
I'm mad that when I talk about important things they roll their eyes.
I'm mad that I'm a bitch for having opinions,
or boring for being a
I'm mad they get nervous that I'm a woman;
and that I'm crazy;
and that I'm poor;
and smart.
I'm mad that I've always been a little too tall;
a little too loud.
That I'm awkward,
and I grew up without a dad.
I'm mad that I don't know what it's like to control my emotions,
and that people like me are the excuses
in a
I'm mad my dad beat me;
my boyfriend beat me;
my nation beats me;
I beat myself,
and deserve it.
I'm mad that I'm in love,
and that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
I'm mad that I'm out of cigarettes,
and that my coffee went cold,
and that they're too good for me.
I'm mad I'm tooth-rattlingly alone, and scared.
but mostly I'm just tired.