I thought...
I thought we were sisters and
That we could be completely
Honest with one another especially
Over a guy.
I thought I made it clear
That I still had feelings for him.
Honesty would have been nice
Over a lie that you repeated more than twice.
I thought I told you
That I don't feel comfortable about you liking him.
Honestly, I thought as a friend you would put our friendship first
Over a guy that was clearly mine to begin with.
I thought you would stop pursuing him and
That you cared enough about my feelings.
Honestly, I thought you would take that into consideration and get
Over the guy I liked.
Well I thought wrong
For you and him were hanging
Out all along.
Foolishly, like a puppet on a string,
You played me
This whole time.
With my foolishness and tiny dignity,
I walked through the hallways of our school
Around all those who knew
The Lie
Carry the shame on my back in pain.
I thought we were sisters and
That we could be completely
Honest with one another especially
Over a guy.
I thought wrong and I thank God for
That lesson was well learned.
Honestly, I pray that God blesses the both of you, but I'm
Over the dishonesty and sisterhood that badly turned and burned.
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always have god in your heart
he will guide you through any midst of betrayal and distrust
true friends will love and accept you for you
keep writing-have a lot to say
very expressive and passionate
very talented
i would like to work on writing poems with you and inspire people as a community
mine is velezjrrobert@gmail.com
let's begin the collaborative process
This was wonderful! I love the visual that the line: "Foolishly, like a puppet on a string," gives the reader. I am definitely going to read more of your poems! Keep up the good work! :)
I dont think that what your friend did was wrong. If she really liked the guy and especially if he liked her back than you should have been more open to their relationship even if you still liked him. Sometimes you have to put other people's happiness before your own. she should have told you though instead of hiding it from you and then you having to find out on your own.
You are so honest, it's inspiring!
i want you to understand that GOD gives us situations for use to see our strength .I had a guy lead me on and then break up with me in a text for a girl that he ended up breaking up with because she was dating 2 guys and him.Its take a slap in a face to notice someone who truly vales you as a person.The guy might not worked out but a friendship is worth the fight for .Also i truly admire you letting out that frustration and letting it out. Trust me when things go wrong their gonna be something waiting for you with just your name on it .
stay strong and positive take every moment and learn from it and grow from it .
**Please check out my poem I'M SORRY and To good to be true maybe you could relate to what i was going though also any other poem i have .
Keep your head up because the sky has something just for you
amazing poet and poem keep up the good work
Robin Amayoo
it speaks so much one can easily translate these words into a picture and how all it ended.