Poems from FutureLeader

I'm 17 Years old and I've discovered a passion for writing. Poetry is the best way that I can express myself and show the world who I am. So read on, cause I'm an open book.
I am beyond tired of people
Shaming the mentally ill.
This day in which we live
Tells us that if we are sad
Than it is not as bad as we...
You can call me beautiful
But it would be more heart felt
If you called me intelligent.
If you let me know that my laugh is
I challenge you
To look farther than yourself.
Your "world" is only but a small
Fractions of what is perceived and felt.
Beyond you...
If you can hear my voice,
Speak up please,
Quivering in the shadows,
Frightened of presumptions and
I shut my voice to hinder...
Your eyes,
Cold, hard,
Dark as the night sky,
They stare at me,
Holding nothing but brittle air,
Saying nothing more than lost love